PUBLICATIONS 2024 Grimes CE, Morley JW, Richie DN, McMains AR (2024) Fish abundance is enhanced within a network of artificial reefs in a large estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1459277. LINK
Yarnall AH, Yeager LA, Lopazanski C, Poray AK, Morley JW, Hurlbert AH, Fodrie FJ (2024) Habitat area more consistently affects seagrass faunal communities than fragmentation per se. Ecological Monographs 94:e1629. LINK
Roskar G, Morley JW, Buckel JA (2024) Seasonality and relative abundance within an elasmobranch assemblage near a major biogeographic divide. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0300697. LINK
2023 Schlenker LS, Stewart C, Rock J, Heck N, Morley JW (2023) Environmental and climate variability drive population size of annual penaeid shrimp in a large lagoonal estuary. PLoS ONE 18(5): e0285498. LINK
Naisbett-Jones LC, Branham C, Birath S, Paliotti S, McMains AR, Fodrie FJ, Morley JW, Buckel JA, Lohmann KJ (2023) A method for long-term retention of pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) on small migratory fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 102:1029-1039. LINK [This paper featured as the cover article in Journal of Fish Biology v. 102 LINK]
2020-2021 Moore C, Morley JW, Morrison B, Kolian K, Horsch E, Frolicher T, Pinsky ML, Griffis R (2021) Estimating the economic impacts of climate change on 16 major US fisheries. Climate Change Economics 2150002. LINK
Pinsky ML, Rogers LA, Morley JW, Frolicher TL (2020) Ocean planning for species on the move provides substantial benefits and requires few trade-offs. Science Advances 6:eabb8428. LINK
Morley JW, Frolicher TL, Pinsky ML (2020) Characterizing uncertainty in climate impact projections: a case study with seven marine species on the North American continental shelf. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77:2118-2133. LINK
2017-2019 Flanagan PH, Jensen OP, Morley JW, Pinsky ML (2019) Response of marine communities to local temperature changes. Ecography 42:214-224. LINK
Morley JW, Selden RL, Latour RJ, Frolicher TL, Seagraves RJ, Pinsky ML (2018) Projecting shifts in thermal habitat for 686 species on the North American continental shelf. PLoS ONE, 13(5):1-28. LINK
Holtswarth JN, San Jose SB, Montes HR, Morley JW, Pinsky ML (2017) The reproductive seasonality and fecundity of yellowtail clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) in the Philippines. Bulletin of Marine Science 93:997-1007. LINK
Batt RD, Morley JW, Selden RL, Tingley MW, Pinsky ML (2017) Gradual changes in range size accompany long-term trends in species richness. Ecology Letters 20:1148-1157. LINK
Morley JW, Batt RD, Pinsky ML (2017) Marine assemblages respond rapidly to winter climate variability. Global Change Biology 23:2590-2601. LINK
2007-2014 Morley JW, Buckel JA (2014) Effects of temperature and prey size on predator-prey interactions between bluefish and bay anchovy. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461:449-457. LINK
Morley JW, Buckel JA, Lankford TE (2013) Relative contribution of spring- and summer-spawned bluefish cohorts to the adult population: effects of size-selective winter mortality, overwinter growth, and sampling bias. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:233-244. LINK
Morley JW, Buckel JA, Lankford TE (2012) Comparing multiple predictors of energy content in juvenile bluefish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1109-1116. LINK
Wuenschel MJ, Able KW, Buckel JA, Morley JW, et al. (2012) Recruitment patterns and habitat use of young-of-the-year bluefish along the United States east coast: insights from coordinated coastwide sampling. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20:80-102. LINK
Craig JK, GT Kellison, SM Binion-Rock, SD Regan, M Karnauskas, S.-K Lee, R He, DM Allen, NM Bacheler, H Blondin, JA Buckel, ML Burton, SL Cross, A Freitag, SH Groves, CA Hayes, ME Kimball, JW Morley, RC Muñoz, GD Murray, JJ Reimer, KW Shertzer, TA Shropshire, KI Siegfried, JC Taylor, DL Volkov (2021) Ecosystem Status Report for the U.S. South Atlantic Region. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-753, 145 p. LINK
Morley JW (2018) Projecting shifts in thermal habitat for Atlantic species during the 21st century. Habitat Hotline Atlantic. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. LINK
Morley JW, Seigler KM (2014) Alternative fishing opportunities for white shrimp and menhaden: testing the efficiency of the lampara seine. NC Sea Grant. Fishery Resource Grant. Report #: 13-FEG-03. 20p. LINK